Digital Marketing Fundamentals

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Module 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing

Module 2: Search Engines, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Marketing (SEM)

What a search engine is and how they work. A general understanding of search engine optimisation. The benefits and weaknesses of using search engine optimisation. About search engine marketing and how it can be used. The pros and cons of using search engine marketing. An overview of pay-per-click marketing and how it fits into digital marketing.


Introduction What is a search engine? What is search engine optimisation How does it work? Why are SEO's beneficial as a marketing campaign? What are the risks of using SEOs What is Search engine marketing? How it works The benefits of using SEM What to watch out for when using SEM What is Pay-Per-Click Marketing How does it work? Keyword Matching How is PPC beneficial The downside of using PPC Module 2 Assignment

Module 3: Website and Web Design

Website basics, the differences between websites, pages and servers. The different types of websites. How websites can be used as a means of digital marketing. About how to create a website, including content, structure and design. The importance of website test runs. What is needed in order to market a website.


Introduction What is a website? What is a web page? What is a web server? HTML and URLs Types of websites Websites as an effective marketing tool: the good and the bad What is web design? Getting started Content Structure Design Mobile Devices Pre-launch checks Marketing the website Module 3 Assignment

Module 4: Digital Display Advertising

An overview of digital display advertising. The formats used in digital display advertising. The pros and cons of its use. How to implement successful campaigns. The measures of success


Introduction What is digital display advertising? Formats The benefits The greatest challenge of DDA Targeting the right audience for a successful campaign Measures of Success Module 4 Assignment

Module 5: Email and Mobile Marketing

The basics behind email and mobile marketing, including the types of each, as well as how they work. About the legal considerations, with a focus on those applying to the UK. The pros and cons of both marketing practices. Some of the best strategies used to employ these types of initiatives.


Introduction What is Email Marketing? How does it work? Types of email marketing Legalities The Benefits The Downside Secrets of success What is mobile marketing? Types of mobile marketing Privacy concerns The benefits of mobile marketing The downside of mobile marketing Mobile marketing best practices Module 5 Assignment

Module 6: Social Media Marketing

The differences between social media, networking, and marketing. How social media marketing works. The differences between the two social media strategies: passive and active. About the various platforms of social media and the demographics that engage with each. The benefits and challenges of using social media as a form of marketing. The most common best practices used when employing social media marketing.


Introduction What is social media/networking How does it work? Social Media Marketing strategies The most popular social media platforms Facebook Twitter/X TikTok Instagram Youtube Linkedin Other Weighing the pros and cons Social Media best practices Module 6 Assignment

Module 7: Online Public Relations

The differences between traditional and online public relations. The four elements of online public relations. About the various tools used for employing these strategies. The four phases of online public relations. A number of considerations for using these strategies. About the common mistakes made in online public relations


Introduction What is public relations? What is online public relations? How is it different from traditional PR? The Four elements of online PR Types of online PR tools Article distribution Blogs Email Newsletters Podcasts and Webinars Press releases SEOs Social Media Web or brand sites How online PR works Why should a company employ online PR strategies? What to avoid Module 7 Assignment

Module 8: Web Analytics

The definition of web analytics and how it differs from website stats. The two categories of web analytics: off-site and on-site. The types and processes of web analytics. How web analytics can be used within an online marketing strategy. Some of the best practices of web analytics


Introduction What is Web Analytics? The difference between website stats and web analytics Off-site and on-site web analytics Types of web analytics Click Analysis Customer Lifecycle Analysis Geolocation of visitors Page tagging Web server log file analysis The process web analytics The importance of web analytics as a marketing strategy A note on social media Best Practices Module 8 Assignment

Module 9: Planning a Digital Marketing Campaign

The difference between a digital marketing strategy and a digital marketing campaign. How to develop the marketing objectives. The importance of looking at past data. About identifying a target market: quantitative and qualitative approaches. The components needed to get started on a digital marketing campaign. Why a content strategy is important and how it works. A number of common mistakes made in relation to digital marketing campaigns.


Introduction Digital marketing strategies and campaigns Objectives Research, research, research! Identifying the target market Identify the means The content A note on timelines Common mistakes found in digital marketing campaigns Module 9 Assignment

Module 10: Digital Marketing Regulations

About the two regulating bodies in the UK. The three current regulations concerning digital marketing in the UK. How data protection is handled in a number of countries around the world. The various regulations that handle unsolicited communications in countries such as Australia, Canada, the European Union, and the United States.


Introduction The legalities: The UK UK regulating bodies UK legislation and guidelines The legalities: Global Australia Canada European Union (EU) The United States Module 10 Assignment